Box Tops For Education

Box Tops for Education has changed

Have you noticed a change in Box Tops for Education labels in recent years? This program is being switched over to a digital platform. It's a terrific way to help earn money for our school without too much additional work for you! We've put together this page to help walk you through the process of signing up and submitting your receipts.

Read up on the changes below or watch a short video on YouTube explaining how this new program works.

How to sign up for the new BTFE program

Step 1: Visit the BTFE website here or search for the "Box Tops for Education" app in your app-store (or Google Play). You can do this on any smart phone or tablet.

Step 2: The very first thing they'll ask you to do is select your school. You can search by zip code (98311) or by name. There are a lot of schools with Brownsville in their name or address - but typing in Brownsville Elementary only pulls up two choices.

Step 3: After you select your school - you'll be asked for your name, email address, zip code and birth date. Enter your info and and you're ready to start submitting those Box Tops!

Earning money for our school

Once you've created your account, you should see a page that looks similar to the image on the left. You'll be able to track how much the school has earned during the year - and how much your receipts have contributed to that total.

To submit a receipt - just click the SCAN button at the bottom of the page. You'll need to take photos of your receipt (from top to bottom - there's a handy "add segment" button for longer receipts). Taking the photos can be a little tricky, but the funds are added instantly to the schools account.

Products - See the products label to the right of the blue scan button? This pulls up a list of all participating items by category. This makes it easy to double check any items you think may be participating.

Bonus offers - one of the neat things about this program are the bonus offers. You'll find lots of different ways to earn extra money by buying select products together or when you purchase a specific number of items in the suggested time period.

Can I still participate if I buy groceries online?

Yes! You will still need a BTFE account to submit your receipts. If you purchase your groceries online through a participating retailer, you'll need to forward your email receipt to using the same email that's associated with your Box Tops account.

The following email receipts are currently eligible (as of September 9, 2019):

  • Instacart
  • Target Pick-Up/Drive-Up
  • Walmart Grocery

For purchases from online retailers not listed above, the process is slightly different:

  1. Take a screen shot (or multiple) of your entire receipt from your online purchase, including retailer name, all items, transaction total, and date of purchase
  2. Open the Box Tops Contact Us form
  3. In the Comments field, please include: Your email address, Name, School's Name and the amount of Box Tops earned with the purchases from that receipt
  4. At the bottom of the form, use the "Upload Image Files" feature to add the screen shot(s) of your receipt. We will process your receipt from your online purchase and award the cash earned within 2 weeks.

What about the Box Tops I have at home?

If you still have Box Tops at home - don't throw them out! These can all still be submitted to the school provided they are not expired. We're still seeing items on the shelves at our stores with the old labels - the BEST thing about this is that the BTFE program is allowing for double-dipping on these labels. That means you can scan your receipt AND then send in the label. 

Still have questions about this program? Check out the Box Tops FAQ page here.